Member-only story
Story Mapping
- successes using the technique to iterate on a product
- how it impacts onboarding
- the definitive guide:
Story Mapping is the one technique I’ve found that gives Product organizations superpowers. Jeff Patton has written the definitive book on the subject. If you have a say in how your team approaches and organizes its work, read Jeff’s book.
This post is part book review and part sharing of experiences. I read Jeff’s book several years ago. Since reading, I have advocated for the techniques described in every organization I have been a part of. Some successful, some organizations never adopted the technique into its rhythm sadly. Those organizations tended to be unorganized in most aspects.
Story Mapping is the exercise of mapping out all of the functionality of your Product or Application in a timeline of sorts. In many cases, it outlines the user journey. Horizontally you see everything a user can do from a high level. Under each high-level item, you see the details. Details are the granular bits that make up the functionality.
Imagine having a map or outline that gave everyone on the team a sense of what your product did for a user written out in plain English. Now imagine that the team is discussing some new…